27 Aprile 2024

Associazione Italiana Nucleare (AIN)
Stakeholders’ cooperation for an accelerated sustainable nuclear deployment

With economic stress caused by the current geopolitical turmoil, there could be a push to adopt energy solutions that undermine sustainable development and aggravate the climate changes. An understanding of the technologies that can lead towards a green recovery is of paramount importance.
Nuclear energy is part of a portfolio of options supporting sustainable development and decarbonization.
An increasing number of countries have chosen to include nuclear energy in their energy mix. A turning point was the COP28 where the need for “deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5 °C pathways” was underlined, alongside calls for global efforts to accelerate zero- and low emission technologies, including nuclear and renewables. In Dubai, more than 20 countries from four continents - recognizing the key role of nuclear in achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 - launched the Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy at the horizon of 2050. In the European Union, the Council and the Parliament agreed to include nuclear energy under the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) aimed at boosting the industrial deployment of technologies needed to achieve EU’s climate goals and to reinforce Europe’s leadership in industrial green technologies.

The global and, in particular, European nuclear community is committed to supporting these objectives.

And governments must play a key role in:
• Establishing the conditions through consistent and coherent policies that facilitate deployment of nuclear technologies,
• Providing clarity to investors on the funding and investment available for nuclear projects,
• Ensuring ready access to climate finance mechanisms for nuclear development,
• Unambiguously labeling nuclear energy as a sustainable investment.

The aim of the proposed event is to engage with policy makers and relevant stakeholders, including energy-intensive industries, to discuss how to create the necessary conditions for a rapid development and early deployment of new nuclear technologies.